Tuesday, November 20, 2007


That means TOO MUCH RAIN!!! We hear that a lot around here lately!! :) Everyone is doing well. (Glory to God!) Lily is growing so much! George is talking so much more! He speaks complete SPANGLISH!!! It is so funny! He makes us laugh everyday! RandiKate has made many friends and they enjoy playing Barbies and do a lot of roll playing to figure out what the other is saying! One of her sweet friends is named "Milagro" It is precious to us and reminds us to pray for the Feria family! We miss all of you and especially with the Thanksgiving season. No one here understands the significance of the holiday! We are hosting a big dinner with traditional Thanksgiving food. We are preparing to explain (in Spanish) the importance of the holiday to us! We will have about 30 adults and about 20 children Thursday evening. No, I am not cooking! :-) There is a lady in Turrialba that lived in the US and will prepare everything for us. This may be the first time any of the teachers will have eaten turkey!! It should be fun and we will post some pics afterward. We hope you all have a wonderful day of remembering all that we have to be thankful for and to God for our country and His provisions! Much love to all of you! (Oh, This is a picture of our family at the table for lunch. The table is usually set with wonderful food when we arrive home from school)


Christy said...

I hope you all don't float away! I am so sad I didn't get to talk to you any more. I had gone out to my car for a minute. ): You all made Rachel's day and we love you very much!!

Happy Thanksgiving.

Carla said...

Hi, I love reading your blog and seeing the pictures. We miss you all and love you so much. Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
I enjoyed the sunshine here today, for you and myself, since it was the last great day in the forecast for at least a week. It is suppose to be 45 for highs and 25 for lows. :( Love you, Carla

Unknown said...

David and I where wondering where you went. I am so excited for you and your family. What a blessing to be able follow God's call on your life without a lot of restrictions. My family will continue to keep you guys in prayer. We are honored to have you as a friend and business/spirtual mentor.

God Bless,

Joe Franco

Christy said...

OK, time for a new post. (:

Hint, hint!!! Your mom will be there soon and I know you won't be posting then.

Love you...