Thursday, November 1, 2007

Doing well

Last night was a good night of sleep. Amazing the difference that can make! It has been a good day. We walked down to the school (5-10 min) for orientation. Everyone is cheerful today. We are learning already from the lady that helps in the house and the neighbor children. It is fun. We are enjoying the food! I had a Coke this afternoon! YEA! :-) There is so much to see outside here. It is very beautiful. I am thankful.


Becky said...

So good to hear how you are doing. I have been thinking and praying for you guys lots this week! Are you near Joel and Krista? I was thinking it would be the same language school, but I don't recognize the name of the town you mention, so maybe I was wrong. It would be nice to have someone nearby who you knew and nice for them also!

Courtney said...

Hi! I found you. Glad you made it and are beginning to get settled. I don't know how you are doing it, but then again, I never have. You are strong! Enjoy and stay safe! Continue to let the Lord show you Himself in the littlest of things there *and the big ones! God bless

Gerri/Mom/Grammy said...

HI Kipplyn!! I LOVE your postings! It is wonderful to hear all the detailed news! Thank you sooo much!! My heart is FULL!! I am soo proud of ALL of you!! I love you! Mom :-)