Thursday, August 28, 2008

Happy 3rd Birthday George!

Sunday we celebrated George's 3rd birthday. We were still recovering from sickness, so we didn't have a birthday dinner or anything. Cruz and her family brought a cake and gifts for George to open. Last week we celebrated at my parents house for six August birthdays in the family. It was a fun time! It is hard to believe that it has been 3 years since we welcomed our George into the family. What a precious baby. He is definitely our child with the most energy! He keeps me on my toes and keeps us laughing (or crying) all of the time! Almost daily, I have something funny to share about what George says.
This week it is this:
Mommy: "George, pick up the blocks"
George: "OK, Mommy"
10 min later
Mommy: "George, pick up the blocks"
George: "OK, Mommy"
10 min later
Mommy: "George, if you don't sit down and pick up the blocks, I am going to have to spank you"
George: "OK, MOM.... (singing) clean up, clean up, clean up, everybody do their share.... Mommy?
Mommy:"Yes George?"
George: "Barney doesn't spank" :-)

Here are some pics of The August Birthday Party! George's birthday and Lily's first cake...

Friday, August 22, 2008

Our First Week

Well, we have completed our first official week of school. It didn't go quite as I had planned.

Monday- the lady that I had scheduled to help me with the little kids was sick and couldn't come. It was fine, but teaching is a little more difficult with a 1 year old and a 3 year old on your lap all day.
Tuesday- Lily woke up at 3am throwing up
Wednesday-I thought we were well so we went on with...Activity day! It was fun, but we were all exhausted after an entire day out! Then Lily started throwing up again that night!
Thursday-Day went pretty well. I mistakenly added a trip to WalMart and a trip to the barber in there. Then by 5pm George was lying on the bathroom floor throwing up too
Friday- John David woke up at 4 am throwing up and he and George have been sick all day.

I have experienced many different emotions this week...
thrilled to have my children home with me
frustrated at times with everyone
tired of vomit
thankful for hot water, front loading over-sized washer/dryers and a husband that can handle a little vomit clean-up
exhausted from little sleep
I learned that our daily life may not be as neat and tidy as I would like, but we got our school work done together.

Life can be hard, but God is good all the time.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Last night I watched as Pastor Rick Warren interviewed both Barack Obama and John McCain. I really enjoyed it. I found it all very interesting. I appreciate Regular Guy's thoughts on abortion and Obama. Thought you might be interested in reading it too. When we were in Costa Rica, we had a couple of opportunities when people would ask us about abortion. They were shocked and overcome with disbelief that the US actually allows such a thing. Even those of us who find it sad and horrible have become somewhat desensitized to the fact that the US has killed over 40 Million babies since Roe v. Wade. It should ruin a person's day to hear such a thing...

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Happy 1st Birthday Princessa

This week our littlest sunshine will be one year old! Amazing! I remember so clearly this time last year. We were all excited to meet the new sister! Her labor and delivery was perfect almost dreamy. Of course, I remember it was painful, but with it brought such a blessing!

She is such a fun addition to our family! She smiles so big we wonder if her face will break! She squeals loudly too! She gets excited to see all of her siblings! Her job in life right now is to survive George's "help." Does she look like RandiKate? Here is RandiKate at one year.

A few things she is doing right now:
Has 4 top teeth
Stands alone
Walks holding on to something
Waves bye-bye and hi
Says ma-ma & da-da
Climbs stairs and comes down too
Rides forward-facing in the car seat
Drinks whole milk
Likes "real" food better than baby food (smart girl)
Sleeps 2 hours in the morning and 2 hours in the afternoon
Sleeps 8p-7am at night

She is joy in all of our lives! Our princess.