Saturday, March 15, 2008

Lily is 7 Months Old

It is hard to believe our precious “Lily-kins” is already 7 months old! She is such a doll with quite a personality! She squeals really loudly while clinching her fists when she is frustrated! She is about to take off crawling any minute now! I have to keep time for the little girls in the neighborhood who fight to get to hold her each afternoon. George calls her “Hilly” and helps entertain her alot of times too! Seidy and our neighbor Mireya have grown especially attached to her and are already talking about how sad they will be when we leave. It has been such a blessing to have people around us that love our kids while we are away from home.


Becky said...

When I just looked at the picture, before playing the video, I thought she was going to walk! I could NOT believe it. My kids were all late walkers, and an early walker kind of scares me - not to mention a seven month old one! What a doll!

Courtney said...

she looks like she was going to walk!!! she might before she crawls :) she is so sweet and cute

Christy said...

What a big girl she's getting to be. I was really holding my breath watching that video. If it had been Forest on the floor he would have slammed his face into the concrete at least 3 times. (OH, YEAH, he is just 3 months old. hee-hee) She needs for me to hold her and speak some ENGLISH to her. (: I could tell just by watching her. (JK Bo!)

Aubrey said...

Oh Kipplyn, she is so cute! Watching her makes me realize that 7 mo. for Hudson is only 2 months away...ahhh! Where does the time go! Hudson does the same thing when he's frustrated...he clenches his fists, straightens his arms and legs and makes this loud sort of grunt/squeal sound.

camryn said...

lily is getting soo big and cute.