Thursday, March 13, 2008


Recently I had a few days feeling very grumpy. I found myself frustrated with all of the people around me. I began to think and pray about this and ask myself, “What is it that I expect?”. I realize that I came into this trip with a set of expectations. I thought that, somehow, by leaving our life in the US, things would change- my children would get along better, serve each other (and me); my husband would suddenly know all I needed and respond accordingly. We would leave the constant bombardment by media and influence of peers or culture, leave the hustle and bustle of our lives and become so aware of others that we would miraculously be less selfish, more holy, and concerned for everyone else. Maybe my children will stop constantly begging for more “stuff”. As I write this, I realize how completely ridiculous this sounds. These were not consious expectations that I wrote down and hoped for, but the truth is, they were (or are) my expectations. So, what now? Sin is everywhere-even here in the beautiful tropics. It can’t be escaped. My children still fight, my husband still needs a few clues into my psyche, and we are all still quite self-focused. I know the Lord has taught us many things and we will leave here different than we came, but I am not sure what that will look like exactly. It all has me thinking about what a great influence “expectations” have on our lives each day. Often they can affect my entire day, my behavior and my responses to my family. I guess, if I can realize that my problem is un-met expectations, hopefully, I can change my attitude and appreciate more my time here (and everywhere).


Becky said...

Expectations are so hard and cause such a range of emotions when unmet. I wish we could refrain from having expectations and just wait and watch to see what God has in store for us, but I think it's impossible as fallen people. We do wait and watch, and it is exciting when we can see God working in our lives or the lives of those around us, but sometimes that excitement is clouded by the emotions caused when things don't turn out like we hoped. It's such a bummer! Sorry you have been experiencing these emotions. I know God is doing great things with you guys and that you can/will be able to see it clearly. We're praying for you!

Aubrey said...

I can totally agree with you. I have been working on not having expectations for others, myself, etc. I am left disappointed when I do. Since they will likely come up at some time or another, I just pray that the Lord helps me to recognize when I do have expectations and then push them aside. I will pray that the Lord will continue to work in each of your lives as your time in Costa Rica draws to a close. We look forward to seeing you all again soon!

Christy said...

Brilliant observations my sweet friend. If nothing else, you'll come back a little more enlightened. When I constantly find myself wishing my "circumstances" would change, God gently reminds me that if I can't be thankful and content in THIS moment, what makes me think I will be thankful and content in the NEXT??

HMMM... would be nice though if there were actually an island where our sinful natures could be escaped from.

Dalene said...

Sounds like this is a most valuable thing to learn. It is good for us all to hear this from someone who seems to be living in "paradise." We've actually had a similar discussion in my Lit class about this subject, after reading "Great Expectations" (imagine that). Great insight and observations...thanks for sharing!

Courtney said...

Expectations are killers...especially unmet ones. That is what our pre-marital counseling focused most on...expectations and the reasons not to bring ANY to the table of marriage. I really think it has helped our marriage tremendously. I wish I could come to that same realization with others and with my kids too (not that I have it all figured out with Jeff though). I hope your time will remain fruitful there. I, too, wish there was an island where we could go be sinfree on this, can you imagine what that would be like? I guess none of us would ever leave though...maybe why you have to be dead to go to heaven (you wouldn't come back anyway :P)

maureen morris said...

the higher the expectations the lower the serenity....and conversely. just a tidbit to repeat over and over when one of the kids is throwing up on you and you weren't expecting exactly that, but at least probably expecting a day more "normal". there is no longer any such thing. its fleeting. i think its because we don't serve a "normal" God, as how fun would that be? Just some random thoughts at way too late dark, and you are on my mind. plus, i just now found your blog. you are a unique and wonderful woman. my respect is yours. loving blessings as you navigate the re-entry. its cruddy, but the crud fades and leaves the memories. costa rica will always be a part of you and will come up deliciously in many future conversations and alone moments as well. savor, and smile. love you, maureen (mo)