What an amazing week. When I walked into the house where we were going to stay, I was completely blown away! I have not EVER seen anything like it! It was huge and completely amazing. I can't even describe it properly! Pops has outdone himself again! We even had our own private pool with a beautiful view of the ocean. This is a long way from Tuis! We will post a slide show of many of the pictures soon. We all had a wonderful time of refreshment and Grammy and Pops completely spoiled us! It was great to get to spend time with them and it is hard to let them go home without us! Now we are on our way back to Tuis and 2 more months of time here in Costa Rica.
that is great! it sounds amazing. hope you had a good time. you sound tired...i hope you get some rest and that you can find strength for your last 2 months there. i know it is a long time...but hang in there! God is using this in so many ways and will continue to do so I know...
So glad you got spoiled for a little while. It's hard for me to come home from those kind of get aways... much less go to that little bitty house you have down there. I will pray that you will be able to enjoy the time and simplicity of it.
Love you...
It was hard for me to think of coming back to Tuis, but when we returned, I felt fine and ´¨at home¨. We were greeted with a crowd of children jumping up and down and cheering our return. Everyone said how they had missed us and can´t believe we will be leaving. It made me feel very special to be loved here so far from home. I think we were given some wind in our sails with a refreshing week. We have more Spanish to learn and more people to love on before we go. I do still miss home, but feel the prayers of all of you that I can enjoy the rest of my time here. Thanks for caring!
I'll second that!! How in the WORLD will Pops be able to "top" that vacation home and trip..... It was indeed an amazing week! I'm SO grateful that all of you were greeted with such love to help strengthen you for the next 2 months! Love does that! :-) I'm missing you ALL terribly today so say a prayer for Momma! :-) And I'm missing the incredible tropical weather!! I love you all and thank you for such a wonderful week!!! And your Spanish is SOOO good!!! We are soo proud of you!Love you!!
I love it that Gerri & Randy got to come visit & play & spoil all of you! (p.s. they can adopt me if they want .. ha) ... I enjoy & love your blog !!!!
I'm so glad that you got some time with your mom and dad! You deserve a little spoiling these days.
Aunt Kipplyn,
This is me and Cortland. Cortland, my Mom, and I miss you. So do Uncle Ben, Aunt Stacy, Sawyer, Walker, and Sunny. Me and Pops wrote this together. I saw your pictures and they are pretty. Bye, I miss you.
Love Conley and Cortland; and my Mom.
Kipplyn, Tot's spot that commented on the blog is my friend Pat Warford. Do you remember her? She lived next door to us on Greenslane and they go to CLC and her son is Keith.... Just checking.
Love you! Mom
Hola mi amiga. Tengo miedo hablar con tu en espanol. No sabe mucho. Pero...yo falto nuestros conversaciones tambien. Te quiero mucho. Dos meses!!!
Sounds like you had a great time! I can't believe how big Lily has gotten. We look forward to seeing you soon back here in B'ville.
Sounds like you had a great time! I can't believe how big Lily has gotten. We look forward to seeing you soon back here in B'ville.
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