Monday, March 24, 2008

My big girl is 12 years old! How is it possible?

Chandler and Grammy in San Jose
Friday we celebrated Chandler’s 12th birthday. She is such a blessing to us and to everyone she meets. We have always said she is “going on 20” because of her maturity. She is a big helper with her siblings and we enjoy spending time with her. She is a bit of a social bug and has many friends (everywhere she goes). This weekend we traveled to Arenal Volcano. We went to a place where they have natural hot springs and pools from the volcano. They also had waterslides and we enjoyed our time there. Chandler is not really one for heights or fast adventure, but she is always going to try it at least once! She is a good sport! Honestly, I was a little concerned about her before we came to Costa Rica. Because of her age, I was worried that it would be harder for her to learn the language. It was difficult for her to leave her friends and gymnastics, and I knew she would be homesick. Well, the first few weeks were a little challenging, but she jumped right in and made friends. She studied hard and had a desire to speak to her new friends and now her ability to speak the language is really incredible. I am so proud of her!


Christy said...

Chandler, we can't wait to see you again!You look so beautiful in that picture.I can't believe you're 12...that means Rachel will be soon. YIKES!!

Becky said...

They grow up WAY TOO FAST!! It's so fun, but it's impossible to believe that much time has passed!

It makes me wish time machines were possible - just for certain moments and certain memories - we must cherish them!

Gerri/Mom/Grammy said...

Chandler! We can't wait to celebrate your birthday AGAIN when you get home!!! What a present to US to get to be with you sooner than we thought!!! See you in just NINE days!!! EEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! WE love you!! Grammy and Pops :-)