John David (also known as JD, Juan David, and Juan JD) celebrated his 6th birthday on Sunday. He had two parties on the same day. John David is such a sweet boy. He is quiet in groups, but easy to talk to one on one. He is very creative and enjoys coloring and drawing. He has a bit of quiet mischievousness about him. To steal the words of his Aunt Summer “he is so stinkin’ cute!” Each morning he comes to me to find Lily and spend some time with her. He is a blessing to our family! It is hard to believe he is already 6 years old! And, by the way, we have decided to come home April 3rd! Can’t wait- See you soon!
John David is blowing out the candles on his cake

A birthday photo with the guys (and Maria)
JD is ready for a jam session with George´s guitar
JD has a new teacher, Andres. He really enjoys the class and they have fun building things while he learns Spanish.
JD with his new wooden helicopter
Happy Birthday, John David! What fun memories he will have of his birthday in Costa Rica!
Awe man, I was planning another week at the beach in CR. Guess I'll have to postpone until another time.
I'm excited!!!!! Can't wait to have you all home.
Love you and miss you,
Daddy (Pops)
Yippee!!!! (I was a little tempted to say "oh, I knew you couldn't do it the WHOLE 6 months...." just to get Bo's competitive juices going----but then he would make you all stay for the rest of the time! :) So I'll just say YIPPPEEE!) Sawyer and Walker are going to be SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO excited. I'm so glad, it is definitely everything there is a season....A time to be born, a time to die. . ..a time to go to costa rica for 6 months (minus a week or 2) and a time come home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sweet!!! YEEEEHAAAAA!! That is awesome news that you are coming home April 3rd!!!! I am so excited. Guess I didn't give you much time to tell me that on the phone today!!! I can't wait to see you!!! YEAH!! I'll call again tomorrow.
Happy Birthday John David! I too can't believe he is 6 years old. Seems like just yesterday I was giving him a bottle when babysitting your kids. Makes me feel old!
Just a little over 2 wks. before we see you all...can't wait!
Looks like JD AND George were blowing out candles. (; I love that boy. Please tell him Parker and Mrs. Cook want to wish him a very happy Birthday!! I'm so glad we will be seeing you soon. We can't wait to have everyone over!! Love you guys.
Happy Birthday from the Holley's John David!!!
Wooooohoooooo, you're comin' home early!!!
Do we need to find you a house????? :)
to John David:
From Sawyer:
I like your helicopter and did you lose a tooth? I'm happy that you are going to come back before Sunny's birthday. I love you.
Great News! Wow John David looks so BIG!
We are SOOOOOOO EXCITED!!!! See you at the airport!!!
Happy Birthday John David! We like your pictures! We love and miss you and glad you are coming back soon!
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