My grandmother Adele turns 88 years old today. Right now she is enjoying herself in Cancun Mexico. I believe it is her 35 year to visit there! She is an amazing woman that I admire very much. She has 5 children, 15 grandchildren and 18 great-grandchildren. She has many friends and enjoys living her life. Through all that life has brought and all that she has seen, she has remained a constant in many of our lives. We all know we can always count on Grandma! Even through mistakes and problems, she has shown love to each of us. She may be the most laid-back person I know. Not much seems to "ruffle her feathers" I love so much that she continues to grow and learn in her life. She uses the computer for email, has a cell phone, and travels all over the world! She is always excited for someone to announce there will be a new baby in the family! She appreciates life, loves family and the Lord. Thank you Grandma for all of your love and for allowing us to share in your life. When I grow up, I want to be more like you!
Happy Birthday Grandmadele!!
Definitely a woman to aspire to be like! We are all blessed to know her. Happy Birthday to you from the Cook family Grandmadele!
Vote for Grandmadele!!!! Don't you wish we could! Let's start a grassroots effort!
Kipplyn, so sweet of you to recognize and testify to the amazing woman that God has blessed our family with. Oh how many countless lessons we can learn from her! :)
love stacy
p.s. i wish your mom and dad would pack us in their suitcase, we are really missing you guys!
Ohhhh Kipplyn, must you keep making me cry!? What a blessing YOU are to this family! Well after all, you ARE NAMED AFTER GRANDMADELE! For those of you who don't know, her full name is Kipplyn Adele Summers. :-) How thankful I am that we are able to celebrate yet another year with Grandmadele!! I'm counting on at least 15 more! That'll make her 1 year older than her Momma when she goes to Heaven! I love you and I'll see you Saturday! Momma P.S. Stacy, our suitcases are bulging already!! :-)
What a nice tribute to a wonderful woman. Happy Birthday Grandmadele!
We always enjoy coming to "the farm" to visit you when we come to Oklahoma! You are always such a gracious hostess to us with delicious food and lots of fun! You truely are a great example of the woman that I want to be like when I grow up too!
Love you Grandmadele and Kipplyn Adele and Bo and all of your family!
Barb/Mom/Grandma Barb
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